145 minutes. That’s the average amount of time a person spends on social media alone in a single day. With this type of exposure to the online world, it’s easy for us to let our guard down when it comes to protecting our personal data. Data Privacy Day serves as a reminder to make safeguarding our personal information a priority. It reminds us to treat our personal information like money. It has value and we need to protect it as if our lives depended on it, because sometimes, they do.
To help firms and their members keep data privacy top-of-mind, we’re sharing some of our top privacy awareness and data protection courses.
Privacy, Confidentiality, and Information Security
This course outlines privacy and confidentiality rights and protections, as well as some of the latest threats and methods for protecting electronic data, including emails, wireless networks and mobile devices.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
This course covers the history of the General Data Protection Regulation, how GDPR differs from other U.S. regulations, and penalties for non-compliance.
Identity Theft: It’s Everyone’s Business
This course provides a comprehensive overview of identity theft and provides best practices on how to help ensure consumer data is kept out of the hands of criminals.
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
This course is designed to provide a high-level understanding of the California Consumer Privacy Act and its implications for impacted consumers and businesses. Th course also discussed the key elements of the law, the new consumer rights it grants, the requirements for businesses, and the potential enforcement and civil liabilities businesses face for non-compliance.
Information Security: Protecting You, Your Clients, and Your Firm
This course covers concepts to help understand procedures for protecting confidential customer information and detecting possible breaches in security.
Customer Data Protection (General/ Municipal Securities Representative)
This course discusses ways in which client data can be compromised should you fail to recognize and implement security measures in your practice.
To review our complete course catalog, click here.